Sunday, July 08, 2007

Happy Anniversary to ME!

A year ago today, I started blogging simply as a way to share my love of jewelry with the world. Today, my blog has grown by leaps and bounds due to my hard work and dedicated readers. My goals for this next year are to get my blog ranked 7 on google (any suggestions?), add some contributing writers (contact me if you're interested), exchange links with more established blogs (YBF, etc), become a blogger for hire (why not get paid for what you love doing?), and get some press (i.e. I'd love a write up in a mainstream fashion publication) for my blog. Join ME as I celebrate this great milestone and welcome the many blessings to come.

Thank you so much for believing in my talent and making Margarite Elaine a daily stop on your destination of life. Without you, I'd simply be talking to myself :) so thanks for lending a kind ear.

1 comment:

Mummerina said...

Congrats =)